Saturday, April 18, 2009

Lemon Detox | Maple Syrup Diet | Review

I kept a diary while I was on the Lemon Detox Diet so I can share a review with others thinking about doing the diet. This is a bit graphic so excuse me for sharing too much information!

Lemon Detox | Maple Syrup Diet

Day One: Saturday

Got up around 11am and made my litre of salt drink in a jug. Poured a glass and OMG it is so hard to drink! Don't know how I'm going to drink a whole litre! After one glass I rang Mum and spoke to her for nearly 15 minutes, she's not finding it too bad so far. Got off the phone and drank the last 3 glasses of salt water, altogether it took me about 30-40 minutes! Yuck!

I went to the toilet about 30 minutes after this and had a soft poo, about 20 minutes after that I was shooting liquid out my ass!

Made my first lemon syrup drink and sat down with it at the computer, took my first sip and thought "how the hell am I supposed to drink this 8 times a day for the next 7 days?!", it was disgusting!! I managed to finish the cup (took nearly an hour!) and by this stage it's after 12pm so in order to drink my allowance I'd have to have one drink an hour from now on. The second drink was just as bad as the first, by now I'm going to the toilet for wees about every 20 minutes!

The time rolled around all too quickly for my next drink, because I was taking nearly an hour to drink each cup I was constantly having to drink the syrup and it was getting a bit sickening, so I decided to have the syrup like medicine and wash it down with water and just drink the lemon and water seperately. So for my third, fourth and fifth drinks I had like this, it was slightly better, but I still retched a couple of times! The sixth drink I thought I'd give the proper drink another go, but it was just as horrible as I remembered!

After the sixth drink it was around 9pm, I just couldn't have anymore, so I waited till around 10pm and made my cup of Senna Tea, this didn't really have a taste and it was quite easy to drink, if only the rest of the diet was as easy!

So the end of Day One I don't know how I'm going to complete six more days like this, I've got six more days to go :(

Day Two: Sunday

Got up around 11am again and tossed up whether to have the salt water drink, the book says if you find the salt drink uncomfortable you can have another cup of Senna Tea instead. I decided I'd give the salt water another go and made it up (colder this time) I managed to skull it down in three cups and about 10 minutes, it still tasted terrible but much easier to drink today!

About 30 minutes later I was on the toilet shooting liquid again, this time I was sitting on the toilet for a good half hour, so the Senna Tea and salt water must be doing the trick! A little while later I was back on the toilet again!

Had my first syrup (medicine style) around 12pm and believe it or not, I actually didn't mind the taste! I don't find it disgusting anymore! It's still not something I would choose to eat but at least I can have it now without wanting to throw up! I'm having too portions in one go now, so after the syrup I make two cups of lemon water to drink.

It's nearly 5pm and I've had six lots of syrup and making my way through the lemon water now. So only two more syrups to go today! I'm so relieved it's much easier today, I don't think I could've bared to face another day like yesterday. I'm still going to the toilet every 20 minutes which makes things abit hard to go out! I've been liquid poos a total of three times today, but feel like I could probably go again!

I've had a mild headache for most of the day, but I guess that's to be expected. I also noticed this morning that my tongue has a white coating, which according to the book is normal. I have also lost 1kg in the last 24 hours, so I'm very keen to see what the results will be further on in the week!

Day Three: Monday

Back to work today, had the salt water drink at work and same results as yesterday.
I'm STARVING today! Day three according to the book is supposed to be when hunger disappears but that's not the case for me!

I had a little nap after work because I'm so hungry! I ended up having 10Tbsp (150ml) of syrup today to try and ease the hunger.

On the upside I lost another 1.2kg yesterday so a running total of 2.2kg

Day Four: Tuesday

Only had half the salt drink today, I just couldn't bring myself to finish it. I'm still pretty hungry but not as bad as yesterday. I've had 10Tbsp of syrup again. I'm feeling a bit over it, I keep telling myself only three more days to go. I lost another 400g so a total of 2.6kg

Day Five: Wednesday

Drank the whole litre of salt water drink today, it's so much easier to drink to cold. Another 200g loss this morning so a total of 2.8kg lost in 5 days. I'm not as hungry today as I have been, I'm just craving food in general, it really is a mind over matter thing.

Day Six: Thursday

Same old, same old. Drank my water, drank my maple syrup, drank my lemon detox drink. Craving food.

Day Seven: Friday

Had my salt water drink this morning. Drank my maple syrup and lemon. Decided to have a salad for dinner tonight, so I'm finishing half a day early.

7pm... Had a chicken salad and my eyes were definately bigger than my stomach, I'll have to remember to dish up smaller portions!

My thoughts over all of the Lemon Detox Diet:

I feel so much healthier. I was suffering chronic heart burn every night for the last few weeks which has now disapeared. I have no bloating and I feel 'lighter'.

So there you have it, my review of the Lemon Detox Diet. I would definately recommend the Lemon Detox / Maple Syrup Diet to anyone wanting to detox or drop a couple of pounds fast.

1 comment:

  1. Lemon Detox really works. Great natural process to loss loads of weight.
